Preparation for Yoga Postures
Yoga postures, or 'asanas', form the basis of the branch of yoga known as Hatha Yoga.
Postures are what most people think of as 'yoga', but they are just one aspect of the overall science of yoga, which is
a broad spiritual discipline.
If you are ready to begin practice now, you can follow one of our lessons or you can simply browse the list of
postures and choose what you like.
Before beginning any yoga practice, it is very important to relax completeley and spend a few minutes
calming your mind. For this purpose, it is best to start with:
Common Questions
Why do you practice yoga postures?
- Postures make the body flexible and strong and, combined with deep breathing exercises, promote proper elimination of wastes, good digestion and metabolism, improves blood circulation and strengthens the immune system.
- When the body is very flexible, the mind will also be flexible and you will feel more cheerful and alert.
- When both body and mind are healthy and balanced, then we can find 'yoga' - or union of body, mind and Soul.
- When the body is flexible, then it becomes easier to sit for longer periods of meditation. Through meditation, we can experience a deeper knowledge of the Self and so many problems and obstacles in life will fly away.
What should I wear?
- Loose, comfortable clothing. Do not wear shoes. Socks are OK but many exercises are easier if you remove them.
Is it alright to eat immediately before or after practicing yoga?
- It is best to practice with an empty stomach.
Wait at least an hour after a meal before practicing yoga postures.
It is OK to eat right after finishing your practice, unless you have been practicing the pranayama breathing exercises, in which case you should not eat or drink anything for a period of time roughly twice as long as you spent doing pranayama.
I am afraid I might injure myself if I do....(such and such a posture)?
- If you start out worrying about negative things, that is probably what you will find.
Do not 'create' a lot of negative expectations and anxieties. You should trust yourself.
Nobody can promise that you will get any particular benefit from yoga practise or that you will not injure yourself. You must do your best to practise faithfully, with a positive attitude.
- One of the best ways to insure against injury is to keep your mind focused inwardly, always deeply concentrated and aware of what is going on with your body and breath.
When we focus on the breath, in particular, it will help to keep the body and mind together. Then, if body experiences any strain which might signal caution, the mind will become immediately aware and you can avoid any injury.
- If you have any special health problems, then you might want to consult your physician before beginning yoga practise. However, be aware that sometimes physicians will plant the seeds of doubt and fear in your mind. The yogi does not depend on pills and medicines and is very careful not to depend on the thoughts of others. You must know yourself!
Copyright (c) 1996 Prana Yoga Ashram. All rights reserved.