Surya Namaskar (6)
Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute With Eight Limbs Pose)
Associated Mantra:
"Aum Pooshne Namah"
Pronunciation: "Om Poosh-nay na-mah-hay"
Translation: "Prostration to Him who nourishes all."
Body Posture:
Rest the toes, palms and knees on the floor.
Lower the body until the chest and chin touch the floor, keeping the buttocks raised
and the elbows in toward the sides.
Complete the exhale from the previous posture.
Mental Focus / Visualization:
Concentrate on Manipura - The 'Abdominal' Chakra.
Expand the chest strongly, compressing the upper back between the shoulder blades.
Specific Health Benefits:
Expands the chest.
Develops the leg and arm muscles.
Increases flexibility and releases tension in the neck and shoulders.
You can remain in the pose for several deep breaths.
You can use the Bija Mantra: "Om Hrah" as an alternate when practicing more rapidly.
Copyright (c) 1996 Prana Yoga Ashram. All rights reserved.