Surya Namaskar (11)
Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)
Associated Mantra:
"Aum Arkaaya Namah"
Pronunciation: "Om Ark-eye-ya na-mah-hay"
Translation: "Prostration to Him who is fit to be worshipped."
Body Posture:
Extend both arms upwards, pointing the fingers; bend backwards, looking up.
This is the same as posture number 2.
Inhale through the nostrils.
Mental Focus / Visualization:
Concentrate on Vishuddha - The 'Throat' Chakra.
Imagine that your body is very strong and flexible - like a tall tree swaying in the breeze.
Specific Health Benefits:
Promotes balance.
Expands the abdominal viscera and promotes digestion.
Exercises the arm and shoulder muscles and tones the spine.
Expands the lungs and opens the Heart Chakra.
You can remain in the pose for several deep breaths.
You can use the Bija Mantra: "Om Hraum" (Pr: Hrome) as an alternate when practicing more rapidly.
Copyright (c) 1996 Prana Yoga Ashram. All rights reserved.