Surya Namaskar (1):
Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)
Associated Mantra:
"Aum Mitraaye Namah"
Pronunciation: "Om mi-try-yay na-mah-hay"
Translation: "Prostration to Him who is affectionate to all"
Body Posture:
Stand erect, with both feet flat and palms together at the chest, in the 'prayer position'.
Gently firm the thighs, buttocks, pectoral muscles and draw the knee caps upward.
Inhale and exhale once through the nostrils.
Mental Focus / Visualization:
Concentrate on Anahata Chakra - The 'Heart' Chakra.
Try to feel very bright and positive, as if greeting the shining sun!
Specific Health Benefits:
Promotes balance between both sides of the body.
Develops a sense of poise and respect for body and mind in preparation for the following postures.
You can remain in the pose for several deep breaths.
You can use the Bija Mantra: "Om Hram" as an alternate when practicing more rapidly.
Copyright (c) 1996 Prana Yoga Ashram. All rights reserved.