From the April 2010 Idaho Observer:

Obama may bypass Congress with massive CO2 Tax


Obama’s promise to open up vast stretches of ocean on the East Coast, Alaska, and Gulf of Mexico to energy exploration is simply a ruse to soften up the public for soon to be announced draconian regulations.

 Abandoning all loyalty to the democratic processes this nation holds dear, President Obama has made the decision that getting energy tax legislation through Congress with the approval of the American people is just too much of a pain to bother with. Instead he will have the EPA declare later this month that CO2 is a dangerous global warming gas and will start regulating its emissions immediately - but only in the United States and Europe, not Mexico, or China.

 Similar to how Obama used the $50 million dollar study on healthcare companies competing across state lines to sell ObamaCare as a bipartisan bill, his recent decree allowing energy companies to explore (not drill, not produce energy from … just explore) new stretches of ocean for oil is also meant to be a trivial, yet an impressive enough sounding carrot for conservatives right before he stuffs his Marxist trash down their throats.

 House Minority Leader John Boehner responded to Obama by saying “At the same time the White House makes today’s announcement, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is plotting a new massive job-killer that the American people can’t afford.”

Every American who doesn’t live in a technology adverse commune in California will now pay even more of their hard earned cash to the federal government for absolutely no good reason.

 Put simply, it means $8 for a gallon of gas and 2-3 times higher electricity bills. It also means the loss of millions more sorely needed jobs as businesses are hit with higher operating costs and the transfer of whatever remains of our manufacturing sector to China where energy is cheaper and they aren’t so concerned about CO2. In the first week alone, American businesses estimated that ObamaCare will cost them $14 billion. By most estimates this latest Obama nightmare will be far more expensive and will literally destroy the economy in less than 20 years.

 All because of climate science that has been clearly exposed as inaccurate and untrustworthy. Obama may or may not be a communist plant sent to destroy America, but he sure is acting like one.

Source: April 3, 2010

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