From the January 2009 Idaho Observer:

Becoming the change: Ringing Cedars worshops being scheduled

Many of our readers and people all over the world have read the Ringing Cedars series and have been profoundly affected. The books tell the story of Man in a way that rings true deep inside us and those who read and internalize the books become bonded with a desire to awaken people as cocreators with God.

The next step is for the insights into gardening, eating, loving and creating spaces of love for child rearing to come off the pages and into culture to hasten the transformation of our angry and polluted world back into the garden God gave us.

Most of us feel the omnipresence of a dark intelligence that has unified political, business and religious leaders to convince us that it is right and good for God and country to fill the air with dust, smoke and lethal gases. But, wouldn’t it be more pleasing to God if the air were filled with life-giving ethers, aromas and flower pollen?

Beginning in February, 2009, Dr. Leonid Sharashkin, the editor for the Ringing Cedars series English translation from the original Russian, will be leading workshops, the first three of which will be in Olympia, WA, Ashland, OR and Santa Fe, NM (other locations being booked). Dr. Sharashkin prefers small groups no larger than 65. If you wish to arrange a workshop in your area, go to

Note: The culture of today is the result of the agricultural revolution which began when the first seeds were stored over a winter and planted the following spring. Since that time, common people have been taught to believe things that facilitate the transfer of wealth of the world into the fewest possible hands. Nothing that we have, for generations, been taught to believe is exempt from being used to accomplish this end. To survive our oppressors and return to the garden will require replacing beliefs that have been used to enslave mankind for millennia with actions that restore the life-giving balances to our lives and our world. (DWH).