From the March 2008 Idaho Observer:

Got camera?

Nationally syndicated columnist, Bill O’Reilly, wrote an interesting article in The Washington Times pertaining to privacy intrusions via cameraphones, video cameras and the Internet. These devices can make any candid moment or personal information public property in an instant. In essence Americans are now living beneath the scrutiny of lenses and they have no privacy.

The more commonplace these intrusions upon individual privacy become, the more such trespasses will be embraced as the "social norm."

Big Brother "GW" is utilizing his loyal servant technology to smooth over any would be bumps in the highways leading into the bedrooms of everyone’s private lives.

To be sure, once society grows accustomed to being filmed on a daily basis, or trapped within a stranger’s snap shot, people will lean more toward shrugging off the warnings of privacy advocates as paranoid hype as Big Brother installs his electronic eyes throughout society. As it is, we willfully carry Big Brother in our vehicles, workplaces, homes and in our pockets; our whereabouts is but a computer click away.

Remember the old axiom, "A picture is worth a thousand words." This axiom is frightfully true in the sense that Big Brother will be the judge, jury, and interpreter as to what words or motives these images suggest.

Could it be that Big Brother is systematically—and in plain sight—building a privacy-poaching program so he can watch us scurry around like lab rats? Should Americans be alarmed?

Some of us are alarmed because we believe people have a right to privacy and our personal lives—so long as we do not harm anyone or damage their property—is none of Big Brother’s business.

Sadly, if experience is any guide, Big Brother will likely be invited into the bedrooms and underwear drawers of America and the American people will just say, "It’s okay. I have nothing to hide.Besides, everyone else is letting them in."

Darrell Darling, Sovereign Alliance

Dilley, Texas